Excellent reduction of vibration
As a compressible cushioning medium, air provides a very low
degree of spring stiffness, i.e. a very "soft" cushion. The
system's inherent frequency lies below 3 Hz - when combined
with auxiliary volumes even well under 1 Hz. There is a higher
degree of isolation even for low inherent frequencies.
Constant design height
The operating height of CFM-Schiller air springs can be adjusted
via the air pressure, regardless of the load capacity. There
is no static deflection as with other spring components. A user-friendly,
automatically functioning control system guarantees a uniform
operating height, even in the case of alternating loads.
3. Load dependent isolation properties
The spring stiffness is proportional to the load capacity. The
vibration isolation is virtually independent of the carrying
force, i.e. constant inherent frequencies even with fluctuating
loads. The broad load range of CFM-Schiller air springs provides
possibilities for standardizing the spring types in assembly
Avoiding of resonance effects
CFM-Schiller air spring suspension systems can be designed with
two inherent frequencies so that resonance can be avoided when
the excitation frequency undergoes constant changing due to
Lateral stability
CFM-Schiller air springs have very good lateral stability.
Low overall height
CFM-Schiller air springs have a very low installation height.
Isolation of structure-borne noise
CFM-Schiller air springs provide a very high degree of structure-borne
noise isolation.
Maintenance-free and long service life
CFM-Schiller air springs are made of materials of high dynamic
strength. CFM-Schiller materials are resistant to environmental
influences and aging factors.